Hong Kong Premium Local Home Family Stay Study Plan

For mainland China Primary and High School Students

Currently, Hong Kong has not opened up the Primary and High School education to mainland China students yet. Only University Education has been opened up for mainland students.

If mainland families want their primary or high school students to join our Hong Kong Premium Local Home Family Stay Study Plan, the below two conditions need to be met:

(1) 首先幫小孩申請一個外國護照,可一個月拿到,請參考下面資料:
Firstly, parents help the students to apply a foreign passport via any immigration agencies in mainland China. It could only take 30 days to do so.

Reference website:


(2) 有外國護照后就可以申請入讀香港的私立中小學。
After getting the foreign passport, student can apply to a Hong Kong private international school with the assistance of the local home family.

Suggested School:
建議學校:Hong Kong Austin School
國際學校課程 (IGCSE, IB)
International curriculums
After graduation, students can apply to any universities in Hong Kong and the world.

The school's Chinese website:

The school's English website:

Background of the Premium Local Home Family:

父親是英國持牌資深會計師, 英國大學碩士學位
母親是香港資深中學教師, 香港埋工大學碩士學位
A Hong Kong Local family. The father is a Chartered Accountant of both UK and Hong Kong with UK university master degree. The mother is a secondary school teacher with Hong Kong Polytechnic University master degree. The son is 14 years old mastering 5 languages namely English, Cantonese, Putonghua, Spanish and French.

Premium Local family fee: HKD38,000 per month.
Minimum: 12 months

Fee includes services below:

- 孩子在港讀書的法定監護人
Hong Kong Legal Guardian
- 孩子申請學校及申請香港學生簽證服務
School and Hong Kong Student Visa
- 孩子品德教育及管教
Moral education and Discipline.
- 包粵語課程
Cantonese lessons
- 包英國劍橋英語考試證書課程
Cambridge English Certificates lessons
- 包照顧日常生活, 學校功課, 作業, 溫習
Daily life cares, school homeworks and reviewings
- 包全面醫療保險
Comprehensive Medical Insurance
- 高端別墅式住宅(元朗區加洲花園), 有私人 24小時保安部,絕對安全,私人會所,游 泳池,綱球場,壁球埸,籃球場,乒乓室, 卓球室,桑拿室,餐廳等
Premium upscale Villa House Estate with 24 hours private security, private clubhouse with swimming pool, tennis courts, squash courts, table tennis rooms, basketball courts, snooker room, sauna rooms, private restaurant
- 獨立房間(雙人房間,獨立書卓,男女分房,空調冷暖氣)
Double bedroom, own desk with air-conditionings. Boys room and girls room separated.
- 24小時高速Wi-Fi 上網
24 hours high speed 5G wifi
- 包每月一次在港內不同景點一日遊
One day Local excursion trip per month.
- 星期一至五上課日包早晚兩餐,星期六日包早午晚三餐
Include breakfast and dinner during school days. On Saturdays and Sundays, 3 meals a day.
- 包一周一至兩節興趣班(游泳,球類,抬拳道,烹飪班,瑜伽班等)
Include interest classes such as swimming, ball games, taekwondo, cooking, yoga..etc
- 香港學校一年有四個長假期,分別是中國春節假期,復活節假期,暑假,聖誕節假期。學生可以安排回家過節,也可留在香港過節。
There are 4 long holidays for Hong Kong schools (Chinese new year, Easter, summer vacation and Christmas holidays). Students can choose to stay in Hong Kong or go back homes to spend the long holidays.

Please note: The above fees do not include all day school's related fees and student's local private activities transportation fees.

For the day school fees, the annual tidal fees are about HKD220,000 - 260,000 which depends on which grades of the student. Please read the school website for details.


Application date: All year round.
Quota: 8 students

因需求旺盛,建議家長先付10%留位費,之后再馬上幫孩子申請外國護照。 As the demand is huge, parents are advised to pay the 10% reservation fees first before going ahead to apply for the foreign passport application.

如果外國護照或學校申請不成功,都會全款退回給家長。If application for either foreign passport or school admission is not successful, full amount will be refunded to the parents.


- 先付本地家庭全年10%留位費
Parents pay 10% of the annual Local Home Family Stay fee for reservation.
HKD38,000 x 12 x 10% = HKD45,600

- 家長馬上找國內外國護照中介公司替小孩辦理外國謢照. Parents help the student to apply foreign passport via any local passport agencies.

- 本地家庭協助學生申請入讀學校課程(約2周),會有網上面試
Local Home Family will assist the students to apply for the school (about 2 weeks) . Video interview will take place.

- 申請成功後,本地家庭協助學生申請香港學生簽證
Once the application is successful, Local Home Family will assist to apply the Hong Kong student visa.

- 學生簽證申請成功後(約3周),付本地家庭年費余款 HKD38000 x 12 x 90% = HKD 410,400
Once the application of the Hong Kong student visa is successful (about 3 weeks) , parents pay the rest 90% of the home family stay annual fee.

- 安排學生來港,本地家庭機場接送
Arrange the student to come to Hong Kong. The home family will pick up the students at the airports or appropriate ports.

- 以上如果申請不成功,會全款退還家長
If any of the above applications are not successful, the parents will get full refunds.


Note: Before paying, there will be an interview between 2 families to check if the students are fit for the local home family. Students with mental, behavioral or conduct issues are not accepted.

The latest World ranking of Hong Kong's Universities:

Any interested parties, please contact your English teacher or wechat to:



方先生 Mr. Fong
